OPENGPG.COM is an OpenPGP keyserver. OPENGPG.COM 是一个 OpenPGP 密钥服务器。
It is provided to the community as a public service to help distribute OpenPGP encryption keys. 它作为一项公共服务提供给社区,以帮助分发 OpenPGP 加密密钥。
Queries about the operation of this service should be directed to the server contact listed on the statistics page. 关于本服务操作的查询应该向 统计页面上列出的服务器联系方式咨询。
This server is powered by the open-source keyserver software Hockeypuck. 本服务器由开源密钥服务器软件 Hockeypuck 提供支持。
Hockeypuck is a synchronising keyserver that acts as part of a decentralised networked database for OpenPGP public keys. Hockeypuck 是一个 同步 密钥服务器,它是 OpenPGP 公钥的 去中心化网络数据库 的一部分。
To report a bug in the Hockeypuck software, or contribute to its development, please visit the Hockeypuck project on GitHub. 要报告 Hockeypuck 软件的错误或参与其开发,请访问 GitHub 上的 Hockeypuck 项目。
OpenPGP is an End-to-End encryption standard. OpenPGP 是一个 端到端加密 标准。
It allows emails, files and other data to be encrypted so that they cannot be read by a third party, and/or signed so that they cannot be modified, while in transit between the sender and recipient. 它允许对电子邮件、文件及其他数据进行加密,使第三方无法阅读,或在发送者和接收者之间传输时进行签名,以防止被修改。
It is used primarily for high-latency and long-timescale applications such as email, software distribution, record archival and backups. 主要用于高延迟和长时间尺度的应用程序,如电子邮件、软件分发、记录存档和备份。